If you are searching for How To Apply PAN Card Online NSDL, then you are in the right place. These days the PAN CARD has become an important document for every individual in INDIA.
Pan Card is used to opening a new bank account or to transfer money to relatives.
But some people don’t know how to apply for a pan card online. Don’t worry I am going to help you to Apply for Pan card online.
So Let’s start:
- Click on this link to go to the Official Website of Pan card NSDL. It will look like the image below:

2. Now click on Online Application For New Pan (Form 49AA)
3. After that, you have to fill in some information

- In Application Type select New PAN – Indian Citizen (Form 49A)
- In Category, you can select from 6 options and these are INDIVIDUAL, ASSOCIATION OF PERSONS, BODY OF INDIVIDUALS, TRUST, LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP, AND FIRM. If you are not related to any Firm or Associaton then just select INDIVIDUAL.

3. After this, you need to enter Applicant information. For example applicant name, date of birth, email, and phone number. After that fill the Image Letters(Captcha Code) in the empty box and then click on Submit.

4. After this you will see a message that you are now Registered with the NSDL website for a new pan card and a Token Number (for example 0028852700) will be sent to your given number and email. Below this message click on Continue With Pan Application Form.
Now you will see a webpage like this:

You have to follow all steps carefully in order to Apply for Pan Card online. Don’t worry I guide you.
5. In the first box saying How do you want to submit your PAN application documents? you have 3 options:

- You can select the first option with Submit Digitally through e-KYC & e-sign (paperless). This method requires you to upload your ADDHAR CARD and you do not need to submit any documents. your number registered with Addhar will receive an OTP to make this method work.
- The second option is to Submit Scanned images through e-sign. You have to scan your documents and upload them
- The last option is to submit your application form physically.
- I suggest you go with the first option because it’s easy.
6. After this,

- select Yes Fess Applicable.
- enter you Addhar number
- Applicant details

- have you ever know by another name – yes or no
- Fathers name
- Mothers name
After this click on Next.
7. Now fill your Salary details, if you have no income, then select no income option.
8. Select Address for communication – RESIDENTIAL or OFFICE but if you have given you add her number then you don’t need to enter the address.
9. Select Country code (ISD code)*
10. Select Representative Assessee – No
After this click on next.
11. Now you have to enter

- Area code*
- AO type*
- Range code*
- AO No.*
how to find AO code for by pin code for pan:
If you don’t know these codes.
- Go to this LINK
- Select your state Letter, for example, C for Chandigarh,
- Now find that in which box is your district
After this, you will get these codes. And click on Next
12. Now you will see a Declaration page

- Select himself/herself and enter place name and click on Submit.
13. Now you have to select the payment method which are

- Demand Draft
- Online payment
After this, you will see a message as shown in the image below which will show how much you will have to pay to apply for pan card online.

14. After this select your Bank and make your payment.
15. After payment, you will get a payment receipt.
Now you have successfully applied for a new pan card online. Your new pan card will be delivered to your address within 1 or 2 months.
Hope you like this post
Jaspreet Singh
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